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Buy Analogue Alarm Clock

best value Enjoy full version of our otstanding alarm clock and choose your preferred variation.
Please find more information in the table below:

Benefits: Personal License Family License Premium License
Eight outstanding default clock faces Yes Yes Yes
Multiple Alarms Yes Yes Yes
Advanced alarm scheduler Yes Yes Yes
Ability to play custom alarm (any file) Yes Yes Yes
Three types of desktop integration Yes Yes Yes
Chime sounds Yes Yes Yes
Waking computer for an alarm* Yes Yes Yes
License valid for all family members** No Yes Yes
Legacy skinpack included No No Yes
Legacy 24h skinpack included No No Yes
Classic skinpack included No No Yes
Valentine's Day skinpack included No No Yes
Price (including EU VAT, if applicable): $24.95 $34.95 $49.95
Please select desired product version: Buy Buy  Buy 

* - Your computer needs to be configured to allow wake timers if you want to take advantage of this feature.
** - Family License allows the installation and use of the clock on every computer in a single household.

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